Sunday, November 27, 2016

Training for Ottawa 2017 and Trail Running


I have decided to train for the Ottawa Marathon in May 2017. Right now I am base training. This consists of running 5-6 days a week (40-50 miles a week), cross training 1-2 times a week, and playing soccer 1-2 times a week (just for fun). I have also begun doing some circuit training twice a week to work on strength. I will start doing workouts in a couple of weeks. I'm not looking forward to spending more time on the treadmill, but I will continue doing the majority of my easy and long runs outdoors throughout the winter.

Most people would consider me to be a road runner. The majority of my runs are on pavement and I regularly compete in road marathons and other races. Trail running is a secret passion of mine. It doesn't really make you faster for road races, but it can distract your brain during long training runs. In the past month, I have run many of my runs on trails.

I only run on trails during the day for safety reasons, which means only on the weekends. Here are the trail runs that have done since Twin Cities in October:
  •  Birds Hill - Big Bluestem Trail
  • Assiniboine Forest and Harte Trail
  • Fat Ass Frosty Beaver Trail Half Marathon
  • Trails at Victoria Beach
  • Forks/Waterfront/Whittier
  • McBeth Park
  • Bunn's Creek

One more thing before I go: I have been listening to this audiobook while running.

This book contains insight into the lives of those who are getting close to breaking the 2 hour barrier for the marathon. I'm obviously not a two hour marathoner, not even close. I still find this book to be exciting and motivating. I would definitely recommend it!

Monday, November 14, 2016

3:00:56 - Now What?

9 seconds slower than last year. Am I disappointed? Nope. After a less than successful Manitoba Marathon finish this year, I was extremely happy to finish to my potential in Minneapolis.
The trip itself was a huge success! I drove down with 4 friends: Gina, Megan, Katie and Mel. Gina, Megan and I did the marathon. Katie and Mel did the 10 mile. I am extremely proud of my group for conquering their goals: first post-baby marathon, overcoming a summer injury, training and running consistently and finishing her first race in several years.

After every marathon I run, I'm left with the question: NOW WHAT?
This time, I was extremely excited at the potential of breaking 3 hours. It's clear that I should have been able to do it in Minneapolis. Now I am eager to try again. The problem is, there aren't really any marathons until May. What can I do between now and January, before I have to start marathon training? Cross Train? Strengthen? Work on speed? I really don't know what the answer is, but I'm going to figure it out.