Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Runner's Cold

Listening to your body is very hard. I say this over and over again. Especially when you have a race coming up. Right now I'm training for the Miami Half Marathon on January 28th. My training has been going very well, I have been running lots of miles on the treadmill, due to crazy cold temperatures outdoors. I have been meeting friends for track workouts for the past month and I have been feeling great.

This past week we re-started school after 2 weeks vacation. During the holidays I was running a bunch and killing my workouts, but since returning to work, I have been feeling run down. This past week, I struggled through a 5k time trial on Tuesday and a 65 minute tempo on Thursday. By the end of the day on Friday, I was full-on, head cold, big baby, SICK. So last night, I came home and went to bed. Today I have been watching Netflix all day and sleeping. It sucks. Normally I would totally be trying to do stuff anyways, but with this race coming in two weeks, I need to get healthy fast.

Here's my recipe for getting healthy quick:
Drink lots of liquids (hot tea+water)
Vitamin C x a million  (smoothies, salad, supplements)

It's definitely nice having my husband being my coach, because he tells me what's what. He makes sure I'm not running or being stupid.

I'm looking forward to feeling like myself again soon. Now I'm going to take a nap.

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