Hello again running world, today was my first 20 mile run of my training and it felt pretty good! I was a little nervous for it because I have had a sore hip/hip flexor this week. It was supposed to be an easier training week for me, but I couldn't even finish my mile repeats on Thursday, so I ended up on the stationary bike for the rest of Thursday and Friday. We had sponge hockey playoffs this weekend, and I was debating not playing to save my hip for my long run, but it ended up being okay. My long run felt great, probably for many reasons. First of all, other than spongee I took the last two days off running, just sticking to the bike, so I was pretty rested. Secondly, I have been doing many of my long runs outside this past month and I ended up doing my long run on the treadmill at the Y, so my legs/hip didn't have to deal with slippery conditions today and I was able to get it done a bit faster.
Halfway done! |
Luckily I got my first pick of treadmills when I got to the Y today because no one goes to the Y at 8:00am on a Sunday. It may seem silly to some that I have a favourite treadmill(FT), but I do. My favourite treadmill (yet to be named) has special powers! It is the only treadmill at the downtown Y that will run beyond an hour. This may not seem like a big deal, but it is! Today my run took 2 hours and about 45 minutes, and it only had to restart one time. Some of the other treadmills reset after every half hour, and I think you can imagine how annoying that could be! My FT is very smooth, it doesn't rub in any places, and all of the TV channels have a clear connection (not fuzzy). It is also on the end of the row, so you don't have to walk by tonnes of people to get to it, and if you have to take a bathroom break, it is the closest one to the bathrooms. If I go to the gym after school at my regular time (5:30ish) it is always taken because other people must know how awesome it is. Don't get me wrong, I don't love running on the treadmill, I would much rather go outside, or even running around a track with friends. When I do HAVE to go on treadmill, my FT treats my extremely well!
While I was on the treadmill for 2 hours and 45 minutes today I watched a show on Netflix called "Departures". It's a show about two guys, about my age who give up their lives for year and travel the world. It's pretty neat to be able to see the world from my FT. At a time in my life where I am trying to save money for a house/cottage it's really cool to be see the world through their eyes!
After my run I had to rush home to pick up Kristjan so that we could make it to our spongee double-header. Yes, I said 2 games of spongee after a 20 mile run. It was kind of rough, but I was still standing at the end of it all. After my first game I had to run out to pick up some recovery food/drink. It's crazy on a day like today to fuel myself properly. So far today, I ran 20 miles, had two spongee games and in about an hour I have a soccer game with few subs. I probably will have burned about 3500 calories. I probably had 1.5 litres of chocolate milk and another 1.5 litres of Gatorade today, and I'm actually feeling okay(I took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon, which helps). I may end up taking the day off tomorrow, luckily it's Louis Riel Day so I can sleep in as long as I want.
Have a great week everyone! Don't forget to tread lightly and run happy!
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