Sunday, March 1, 2015

When life gets in the way

When I started this blog I promised myself that I would write every Sunday, I was really good for 3 weeks and then last week life got in the way. 

The Weekend
So grumpy
Last weekend I spent my weekend writing report cards. To be honest, it's not a very pleasant way to spent one's weekend, but sometimes it must be done. Last weekend was a rough weekend in general, I sure put my mind and body through the grinder. On Friday the 20th at school it was our Festival du Voyageur day. I chose to do an activity outdoors all day. It was actually a lovely day, but by the end I was exhausted. When I got home that night I fell asleep from about 5:30-9pm. When I woke up at 9pm I was sooooo grumpy because I was supposed to be meeting a group of friends in the Exchange District that night and I still hadn't gone for my run. It took an extreme amount of willpower to get dressed to go running at 9pm outside, but I did it. I got it done that's what was important. The next morning I met one of my running buddies for a run. I was just doing an easy run, but she was doing a long run. It was actually so nice, we ran on the trail on the river. It ended up being about 10 miles. I worked on report cards all day that day and then went to Festival du Voyageur with my friends for my friend's birthday that night. It was a blast! I probably had a little bit too much fun that night because the next morning when  it was time to do my 17 mile run, my body was NOT happy. I ended up doing my long run on my treadmill at home that day. It was so hot! My windows in my apartment are frozen shut, so I couldn't open them. I guess it's not the worst idea to do a little bit of heat training in before Boston. I know it's not going to be hot there, but it will be warmer than what I'm used to running in. Anyways, my 17 miler felt awful, it dragged on and on, and seemed to last forever. For the rest of that day I worked on report cards. It was my friend's actual birthday on Sunday and I needed to hang out with her because her boyfriend was on vacation that week. So she came over and watched the Oscars. It was probably not the best use of my time, but sometimes we have to do our duties as friends. We had a great time judging dresses and acceptance speeches.

The Week
Monday I had a PD in the afternoon, so I had to put together a sub plan, which takes a surprising amount of time. I didn't have a chance to work reports at all during the day. I came home after my PD and ran with my friend. My boyfriend's soccer team needed a spare girl that night so I helped them out. I probably wrote reports for one hour that night.
The Disraeli Bridge
Tuesday I came home from school a little earlier than normal because my coach/bf and I had discussed me doing a hill workout on the Disraeli Bridge, and we had talked about that it needed to be in daylight hours because it's kind of a sketchy area of town. I ended going over the Disraeli bridge over and over again. It was actually pretty hard! I was trying to do it at race pace or faster, but it was a little bit slippery and it was my first hill workout. When I got home I worked on reports for the rest of the night.

Wednesday my boyfriend/coach went away on a school ski trip so I was excited to have a lot of time to work on reports, but I ended up getting so tired and going to bed at 10pm. I actually slept so long that night! I slept until 7am (way past my alarm).
Helping with report cards
Thursday was the day that I had to finish my reports because they were due Friday. I decided to stay at school until about 7 that night and work on them, but I got a call from the school ski trip asking if I could come and get him 4 hours away. THAT was when I could no longer handle it. There was an immediate rush of anxiety going through me. There was NO WAY I could go pick him up and finish my report cards. I had an emotional breakdown right there. I couldn't do my girlfriend duties and I felt awful. It is so hard for me to say no to something like this because I feel like I was needed and I couldn't fulfill the need. Lots of teachers at my school don't hand the report cards in on time, but it's different for me because I am still on a term position. It turns out my bf wasn't mad or anything that I couldn't get him. At about 7:30 I left school to go do my 12 mile tempo. I had to stop at home first to feed my kitty, which only took an extra10-15 minutes, but that would have made a difference in the end. My tempo that night was supposed to be 12 miles, but I only made it 7 before I had the pick up Kristjan (who ended up getting a ride home another way). Thursday night, after picking him up at about 10, I went back to writing reports until 12:30 - when my brain shuts down. Then I went to bed and woke up at 5am on Friday to finish them up. BRUTAL.
Friday morning I finished my reports and my week was finally over. I think my students could sense that I was a little tense this week, but they were very accommodating. Friday they were so patient and quiet. BEST CLASS EVER. 
Friday after school I had soccer and then I slept for 14 hours straight. 
Yesterday morning I did my long run with my running buddy (9 miles with her and 9 miles on my own). It was beautiful out yesterday and I am so glad I did it outside. In the afternoon I went skating with my bf and some friends and then went to another friend's birthday party last night. Today I need to focus on recharging my batteries a little bit. I have a little bit of pressure in my sinuses, I think from my weakened immune system from the week.

Our bodies are capable of crazy, amazing things. I am so thankful that mine put up with me this week and now I am going to treat it with the respect it deserves.

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